Children living with disability perception of their treatment at School

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My name is Shema Ntwali Esron, (Born 2007),15 years old. I am a boy living with walking disability from my birth. My article will be the analysis of how children like me are being treated in school. Today, I am Studying in Primary six at Happy Kids School Rwanda. I will pass the national examination this year. I study with other 16 children. I come from a large family of seven children, adopted and biological. Our parents love us.

The fact that I was a kid with disabilities, it didn’t change the fact that I was a human being I was given the same treatment as the other kids . teachers also treated me as a normal child so did my classmates.

The people at home tried to help me with physiotherapy. My parents paid doctors and nurses from my early age to provide me with physiotherapy. My mother tried in 2016 to bring me to America for treatment even though I was not able to walk.

As someone who cannot walk, I always need help from person to aid me in the wheelchair. The first day at Happy Kids School, I was welcomed calmly. The first people that I met were in the same class with me. I didn’t think that anyone would think I was weird. On the second day it was normal.

On the other hand, there are things you have to face as a disabled child such as not being able to walk, work or sit.

Being disabled doesn’t mean you’re not human.

Article by Shema Ntwali Esron, Happy Kids School, Primary 6.

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