SEASON 1 (2023)
Theme: Avoid unwanted pregnancy and drug abuse.

Recently, on Wednesday 23 August, NEXTGEN Church of Rwanda hosted its first football championship, which will be annually. Most importantly, the event was hosted to encourage the youth to avoid drug abuse and prevent unwanted pregnancy. We got an opportunity to witness football matches, which were played between four local football teams including Runini FC, Gahanga FC, Ubumwe FC, and Katovu FC. The matches were full of excitement and curiosity.
Both the teams tried their best to win. Both the local teams were equally strong and showed excellent skill and performance. The match was played at the playgrounds of the Kagasa cell office near Groupe Scolaire Secondary School in Gahanga.
Additionally, most of the ground was bare, and a large number of chairs were arranged for the guests and spectators. Besides that, we were graced to have NEXTGEN officials like pastor Sereine, and the Sector Council of Gahanga Sector who were chief guests of honor attending the games to give their morale and support to teams.
Both the teams were well prepared and confident of their win despite the intense sunshine that was present. The ground was fully packed. The match was to start at 1 p.m. and the second match at 3 p.m. Both teams entered the ground at the scheduled time. After the toss, the referee blew the whistle and the match began. It was expected to be a well-contested and lively match. Both the teams were expecting to score well.
During the first few minutes, Runini FC dominated the match against Gahanga FC with one rocket goal and Katovu FC won against Ubumwe FC through the penalty shooting with five to four difference. Anyways, all teams performed brilliantly at their best and the spectators enjoyed the game.
Reported by Mugisha N Caleb, HKS co-chief editor

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